Craft Coding Challenge

About The Project

Craft Cod­ing Chal­lenge is a train­ing ground for Craft CMS developers to test and improve their cod­ing skills. The chal­lenges presen­ted will be solve­able using either Twig or PHP in the con­text of a Craft site and will help you hone your skills and learn about best prac­tices and broad­er com­puter sci­ence con­cepts. Some chal­lenges will be more the­or­et­ic­al in nature while oth­ers will be more prac­tic­al. Either way, the idea is to offer you a learn­ing envir­on­ment in which to make mis­takes and learn with and from your peers.

Solu­tions can be sub­mit­ted with­in a week of a chal­lenge being pos­ted (the exact clos­ing date is shown for each chal­lenge). Sub­mit­ted solu­tions are pub­lished shortly after the sub­mis­sion end date. Explan­a­tions will be giv­en as to why cer­tain solu­tions are good and how oth­ers can be improved upon. We cred­it all sub­mit­ted code and treat all sub­mis­sions with respect (no shaming).

This is a com­munity-run pro­ject and is not affil­i­ated with Pixel & Ton­ic, the cre­at­ors of Craft CMS. Please share it with any­one who could bene­fit from it and send feedback/​suggestions/​ideas to support@​putyourlightson.​com or @ben_pylo.

– Ben Croker

Cre­ated and main­tained by Ben Croker (PutY­our­Light­sOn).
Proof-read­ing and Dock­er setup by Andrew Welch (nystudio107).
Email updates powered by the Cam­paign plu­gin.
Forms pro­tec­ted from spam by the Snaptcha plu­gin.
Site per­form­ance boos­ted by the Blitz plu­gin.
Site powered by Craft CMS.